[NEWS] 110314 – Infinite, changes into trot singers? Revealing ‘BTD’ trot version; rising ‘Gag-dols’

The group Infinite has satisfactorily shown the entertainment value that they’ve kept hidden all along.

On the 13th, on KBS 2TV’s ‘Gag Concert – Super Star KBS,’ Infinite did a trot version of ‘BTD,’ causing the audience to laugh their heads off.

Until now, Infinite has shown their chic and charismatic side on music programs. But this day, they did an enchanting trot melody paired with a comic dance that brought forth big laughs. But that wasn’t all. At the end, they held up a placard with the comment, “Illegal Downloading NO.” They even became the number 1 searched keyword on portal sites.

With hot reactions, the audience claimed, “even charismatic Infinite’s wreaked image is really handsome,” “I really like the ‘BTD’ trot version,” “their hidden gag instinct has wriggled its way out.”

Meanwhile, Infinite’s 3rd single album “Inspirit” will be revealed on the 17th with the title song “Nothing’s Over” and will have their comeback stage on ‘M! Countdown.’

trans. cr; hyejin , emilie, & jihye @ infinite updates



Infinite menunjukan suatu penampilan yang memuaskan yang selama ini mereka sembunyikan.. *hayooo apa coba ada yg tau ga””

Jadi di acara ‘Gag Concert – Super Star KBS’ yang tayang di KBS 2TV tanggal 13 kemaren Infinite bawain lagu mereka yang berjudul BTD [Before The Dawn] itu pake versi trot *ala lagu jadul korea gitu ahaha* yang bikin penonton pada ketawa ngakak..

Sampai saat ini, Infinite telah menunjukkan sosok mereka chic dan karismatik pada setiap program/acara musik. Tapi hari ini, mereka melakukan sebuah melodi trot yang menawan dipasangkan dengan tarian komik yang mereka bawakan  beneran bikin penonton ketawa LOL**. Tapi bukan itu aja,  di akhir perform, mereka mengangkat plakat yang bertuliskan komentar, “Illegal Downloading NO.” Mereka bahkan menjadi nomor 1 kata kunci yg paling banyak dicari di situs2 portal.

Dan reaksi panas dari para penonton yang berkomentar , “bahkan Infinite yg ga terlalu karismatik terlihat sangat ganteng saat ini,” “Saya benar-benar suka ‘BTD’ versi Trot ini ,” “gag naluri tersembunyi mereka telah menggeliat jalan keluar.”

Sementara itu, Infinite akan kembali dengan single album ke-3 “Inspirit” yang rilis pada tanggal 17 dengan judul lagu “Nothing-Over” dan akan memiliki tahap comeback mereka pada ‘M! Countdown. “

About naomikhefa

Like crazy Just Run Run Run and Running I'm miss fortune miss so soon…And I don't know where I am.. what I'm into …what I've done to me I'm Madam Yong JaeSoon ♥♥♥♥ Kim HeeChul Beautiful YoungSista ♥♥♥♥ Yoon Doo Joon & Jang HyunSeung GirlFriend ♥♥♥♥ just reblog all the thing i like [♫ Food-Fashion-Beautiful Place in Theworld-Korean Addict-JFreak ♫] View all posts by naomikhefa

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